Pre-compliance tools for importers and certifiers

Pre-compliance tools for importers and certifiers

Outage notice

This site will be unavailable from 4pm on Saturday 22-April until 9am on Sunday 23rd April to allow for a planned MVR outage for system maintenance.

You now need to include a CO2 account with all Fuel Consumption Statements. Find out more about this and other recent changes to this site.

Fuel consumption and Clean Car information for importers:

The purpose of this page is to assist people importing vehicles into New Zealand to satisfy requirements for fuel consumption information and compliance with the Clean Car Standard. This page is part of the entry certification processes that are detailed in the Guide to Importing a Vehicle.

  • This section contains facilities to guide you through the process of finding fuel consumption and CO2 information for your vehicle and presenting this as a fuel consumption statement to a entry certifier along with other compliance documentation.
  • It also provides facilities to associate vehicles with a Clean Car Standard CO2 account.
  • Any retailer and future re-sellers of your vehicle will be required to display a Vehicle Emissions and Energy Economy Label with the vehicle (or for any online sales). This will be based on the information collected through the fuel consumption statements you create here.
  • The information you can provide here will also be available for buyers of the vehicle through the Waka Kotahi Rightcar website once the vehicle has been registered in New Zealand.


Since 2005 Waka Kotahi has collected fuel consumption information for vehicles entering the fleet. This includes new vehicles manufactured after January 2005 and imported after February 2005 as well as previously registered (used) vehicles from Japan that were manufactured after January 2000 and imported after February 2005. From 1 February 2009, requirements for fuel consumption information for used imports were extended to vehicles from all countries.

Accurate and reliable information on vehicle energy consumption is needed to support government initiatives on climate change, energy efficiency and energy conservation measures.

The original Fuel Consumption Information Rule has since been replaced by Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Efficiency and Emissions Data 2022 (VEED).

The Rule applies to light vehicles (3500kg or less), except motorcycles. You will need to provide energy consumption and emissions information to the entry certifier when you first register your light vehicle for use in New Zealand. Energy consumption and emissions information is stored on the Motor Vehicle Register with other vehicle details as part of the certification process.